Higher Order Thinking

Teacher Training CLIL

Developing Higher Order Thinking requires teachers to establish with their student a knowledge base of thinking skills, reasoning, critical thought, and problem-solving…


Teacher Training CLIL

With our workshop “Scaffolding” you will understand in more details on how to support second language learners by providing helpful hints to help students…

Technology in the Classroom

Teacher Training CLIL

The course will introduce to a range of technologies to enhance teaching and learning, including a number of highly accessible and free apps for use on smartphones and tablets.

Contemporary English

Teacher Training CLIL

This course is for experienced teachers of English, with a good standard of English, working with secondary or adult students. You will explore the current trend in English language…


School for teacher trainig

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become the umbrella term describing the teaching of a subject such through the medium of a foreign language.

Concept Based Planning

School for teacher trainig

Our course concept based planning will bring you to use your subject’s ‘big ideas’, or ‘powerful knowledge’ to drive the lesson, rather than focusing on specific and separate pieces of information, knowledge, or tasks.

Managing and Leading Student Behaviour

Teacher Training CLIL

Based on up-to-date research and effective classroom practice, this course will offer practical strategies for managing pupil behaviour in schools so that learning can take place in calm.

Using Creativity in the Classroom

School for teacher trainig

The “Using Creativity in the Classroom” course is designed for experienced English teachers who are working with primary, secondary schools and adult students.

Global Learning

Teacher Training CLIL

Global learning in-house teacher training explores the similarities and differences between people and places around the world as well as their interconnections. After being introduced to the main concepts of Global learning.

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