School of English Canterbury

English language schools and courses in Caterbury

A well-known English language school, the proof of its excellence can be estimated by the fact that it has been recently awarded Highly Trusted Status…

School of English Broadstairs

English Language School course in Broadstairs

The school is centrally located just a few minutes from the beach and centre of the town. There are 9 classrooms, a recreational hall with canteen, an activity room…

School of English Harrogate

English language schools and courses in Harrogate.

It is a small and friendly school. It is located in the very heart of the beautiful spa town of Harrogate. It is easy to get to from international airports Leeds…

School of English Worthing

English language schools and courses in Worthing.

The school of English is centrally located just a few minutes from the beach. It has 13 classrooms and there are a self-study learning centre and library…

School of English York

English language schools and courses in York.

The school pride themselves on a friendly atmosphere, enthusiastic teachers and supportive staff. The school’s aim is to help the students achieve…

School of English Cardiff

English language schools and courses in Cardiff.

Our UKEDA Associated School of English was established in 2013. The school is situated in the heart of Cardiff city a short walk from Cardiff Castle…

School of English Brighton

English language schools and courses in Brighton

Our Associated Brighton-based school offers English language courses from elementary to advanced level. Here students are tested for the…

School of English Bath

English Language Schools in Bath to learn English

Our Associated school of English is a great, compact and friendly school that is located in Bath, at Queen Square. This is the prime and central location in the…

School of English City of London

City of London English Language School Central London

The core idea behind the establishment of our school is to offer a reliable, top-quality and international level English language learning institute in London…

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